Friday 2 September 2011

Cliff and Teri

We're getting really excited now.  Just 3 more sleeps until we're away on our holiday. Almost 5 weeks of (hopefully) relaxation, mixed with lots of energetic walking to explore the many countries we'll be visiting.  I'd love Cliff to be relaxed because he's had a lot of full time study since he retired, getting his real estate agents license (completed and passed - YAHOOOO!!!), selling our house, and trying his best to sell our two units as well.  He deserves a "non'thinking" holiday. A 'no stress' holiday. He needs to switch off and just concentrate on getting us to our destination on time and making sure my glass of champagne is 6 degrees or less. I hope he does.

I also hope I'll be able to download some photos - or is it uplift the photos??? I don't know.  I even had to ask the difference between kb and mb today. Thank God Cliff knows. But I can braise cucumbers. Can you?  And I did whip up a gorgeous dessert tonight out of nothing but leftovers. 3 ingredients. Heaps of passionfruit pulp, which we have growing on the vine around our water tanks, plus some long life cream - a necessity in the pantry for just such occasions, and some icing sugar.  Whipped it altogether and poured it into glasses, put it in the freezer for 15 minutes and OMG - Bob's certainly at least one of your uncles - it was gorgeous. Even if I do say so myself.

So, Lorraine and Fiona arrive tomorrow and we're picking them up at the airport at around midday. Two days should have them knowing what a demented dog requires, and leaving them with a full wine rack they should just about be able to cope with said demented dog.  Hope they have a nice relaxing holiday in the home with no furniture, which was all sold. The little bits that are left, will be going when they leave, and all that is left will be the packed boxes.

At this stage, I feel sad and if I hadn't had more than 2 glasses of wine I might even be crying, but . . . I look at this now as another stage in our lives. Even though I love this home and it's peaceful serenity and all the good times we've had here, it's too big and time to pass it all on to someone else. I hope the family who has bought this will be as happy as we have been here.

When we get back from our trip, we will only have about 4 days to move and we will wonder if we even had a holiday at all.  This is why I want to keep this blog.

I hope I can do it.

Wish me luck, as you wave me goodbye
Cheerio, here I go on my way......